Complex Assembly Electronics
At THE SIMMONS GROUP, we offer complex assembly electronics solutions in South-East Asia. Some products require over 400 components in the final assembly, including pressure die castings, gravity castings, stampings, sintered powdered metal parts, rubber moldings, plastic injection moldings, and cold-headed and screw-machined parts.

Value-Added Projects
With the growing sophistication of Pacific Rim manufacturers and their supplier base, THE SIMMONS GROUP is bringing an increasing number of value-added engineering projects to our offices in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.
Manufacture Programs
Based on mature designs or newly developed products, many of our customers are taking advantage of the benefits offered by Pacific Rim Engineering to manufacture complex finished assemblies. The growing sophistication of manufacturers in these two places to manage complex projects and the ability to outsource an increasing range of parts within the local industry lend support to such programs.
Program Support
Our on-site personnel fully support our programs. Our engineering and operations group assumes overall project responsibility, identifying and qualifying the prime manufacturer. They then work with the selected manufacturer in evaluating and addressing all engineering issues and continue their involvement through the tooling, sampling, and manufacturing phases. Our personnel also work with the primary vendor to identify and qualify local parts suppliers, from mechanical stampings and plastic injection molding components to electronic sub-assemblies.
Our quality control department’s involvement begins at the earliest stages. It helps qualify the prime vendor for each project and continues working with the vendor to ensure proper quality and assurance controls are in place. To ensure the finished products meet our client’s specifications, our personnel work with clients to define and implement our in-process and audit inspection procedures.
The major electronics markets of the world are demanding increasingly high levels of quality, improved technical capabilities, and responsive, efficient production. We efficiently package these requirements through our contract electronic manufacturing to offer the best in Pacific Rim electronic sourcing.
Our professionals identify and qualify manufacturers, conduct independent inspection services and quality testing, and coordinate all logistical details.
In manufacturing, specific components, parts, and sub-assemblies are often more efficiently sourced overseas, while electronic assemblies remain at home. These end products range in application from educational devices to retail point-of-sale terminals and industrial controls.
Electronic displays, microprocessors, transformers, and electronic components are now found in various consumer products, including automobiles, home appliances, calculators, communication devices, etc.
Specific Product Experience
THE SIMMONS GROUP sources electronic assemblies and finished products, including:
- POS Terminals
- Stuffed and Unstuffed Single- and Multi-Layered PC Boards
- LCD and LED Displays
- Power Supplies
- CAD/CAM Assemblies
- Surface-Mounted Products
These components are integral to various consumer and industrial products and represent our company’s involvement with different OEM accounts in North America and Europe.